Sunday, February 28, 2016

I'm not afraid...I'm smart.

 Islam is a dangerous, preventable threat to the United States Constitution, and to every single human being within its borders. It's not fear that motivates me to say this. I am not afraid, I'm smart. I am smart enough to separate my feelings and the influence of popular opinion from the facts and to view the facts on their merits alone. I have forced myself to separate my pride in my own stated opinion, and my natural desire to not be wrong, from the truth of the matter.

When one is able to  set aside themselves and their egos and let the facts stand for themselves it becomes very obvious very quickly that the effects of Islam are very bad.  Here are the facts.

Islam has killed more people than the Crusades 200,000, the Inquisition 2,000, the Holocaust 11 Million, and Communism combined 70 Million.  That's a total of: 81, 202, 000 people.  Islam has killed
270 million people in the 1400 years of its existence 270 million. That is more than three times as many people killed in the name of this one religion as in all of history's most recent mass killings by government or religious evil.   It's even more than the children we have managed to kill with abortion: US Abortion 

These numbers are staggering, but they bear considering that these things that are happening on this earth, right now, where you live.  These other mass murders, these moments of pure human savagery, primarily happened before most of us were born, and most of them long ago in history.  No one else on this planet at this time is mass murdering at nearly the rate of Islam, and no one is being apologized more for doing so.  Bringing up what happened in history as a way to make excuse for the murderers that are literally killing people while you utter your words is morally reprehensible, not to mention completely irrelevant.

But those numbers don't tell the whole story. 

When you look at the concept of genocide, Islam is responsible for seven of the ten worlds greatest acts of genocide: Wiki: Genocide.  Islamists have committed more acts of terror than any other single group of people on the earth.  There have been 27,903  that terrorist attacks since 9/11. 27,903 This is a list of all of the Islamic terror attacks since 1980: Wiki: 1980-Now  I didn't count.  There are a lot of them.  There were more before that.  America has been struggling with the effects of Islam since the very beginning: Wiki: 1st Barbary  Take special note of the quoted story down about halfway, next to the picture of the Christian slaves.  

Let's talk about slavery.  Islamists are still operating in slavery: Wiki: Islam & Slavery   In fact, Arab Islamists were the ones capturing slaves in Africa and bringing them to America.  Why is everyone mad at America for that, but not ISLAM!?  We set the slaves FREE!!   Islam still has sex slaves today.  They are just our children, and they call it "grooming" and "prostitution."  Grooming Gangs
Islam is currently engaged in modern day slave markets: Islam Slave Markets

Entire civilizations have been swallowed by Islam following this exact pattern displayed here: Patterns

Their treatment of women is deplorable.   How can anyone come up with a good excuse for accepting that?  Do you think they won't bring that attitude toward women with them?  Does anyone truly believe they will come to America and see the light and change their ways?   There has never been a time in the history of Islam, 1400 years, that Moslems have not raped, killed, subjugated, enslaved, and tortured women and girls for no other reason than that they have a vagina.  That's it.  Many thousands have been persecuted for over a millennium for having a vagina.  Women captured in war are slaves: Islam & Women: Slavery

In Islam, women are stoned for being raped.  Their witness testimony of their rape is worth only 1/4 legal weight of a man's, and they will go to jail if they report that rape. Women have no right to their children, to their privacy, or even the right to breathe fresh air.  Anyone who has a vagina, or loves someone who has a vagina, should be concerned about Islam in America.   Wiki:Islam & Women

Islam's treatment of children is deplorable. Girls can be married as young as 9 years old.   This follows the pattern of their prophet, Mohammad, who married Aisha when she was 6, and consummated their marriage when she was only 9
Wiki: Aisha .   Children are taught barbarism and oppression very early.  Girls are treated as sexual items very young:  Islam & Children 1 Islam & Children 2  In short, Islam treats children as disposable items.  Women & Girls Islam

 By being emotional and socially pressured to be inclusive and accepting, we have signed our own death warrant.  Islam has one goal: spread Islam. Islam: Purpose By sword, if necessary.  They have shown us that the are willing to do it by sword again and again in history, yet somehow we are ready to ignore ALL of history, 1400 years of watching these people do this, and they are doing it in our world right now where we live, and instead of using our common sense, we are bound together in our united stupidity.  By refusing to admit out loud what is obvious to see, one must willfully ignore history, facts, numbers, and one's own sense of self-preservation.  B.Warner: 1400 Years

No, not all of them are extremists...but wherever they are and everywhere they are, extremists are plentiful:  Last 30 Days  Islam is a Trojan Horse.  It has shown itself such over and over again, but Westerners believe that is irrelevant because we are not allowed to exclude people until they prove they want to kill us...and by then thousands/hundreds/tens/someone you love is dead.  We are ignoring history at their own peril to say otherwise.  There is no place in the world with populations of Muslims that is not experiencing some sort of trouble.  

Out of the 38 conflicts on Earth right now, 34 of them are involving strongly Islamic countries.  Wiki: Current Armed Conflicts   That's 89% of all the war on the earth.

Discrimination has become an ugly word in our society. Like many English words, discrimination has more than one meaning. It's other meaning is: the ability to recognize the difference between things that are of good quality and those that are not.  Definition: Discrimination

If our children live to the future, they are going to look back and wonder how we could be so stupid.  They will wonder why we were so gullible.  It's not like we didn't have an entire world of history and accumulated world knowledge available to everyone on the internet.  Through willful stupidity, or simply a fear of admitting the truth, we will bring about our own demise as a culture, and our children and grandchildren will pay the price.  The dictionary definition of "discrimination" includes making good choices.  Definition   We have lost our ability to do that in this nation when political correctness keeps us from saying the truth about that which wants to kill us.

They will not leave their culture or their religion, all of which is conveniently packaged in a legal system called Sharia, behind in their countries.  Their goal is to bring it with them, and convert everyone they can.  Wiki:Sharia

The truth is, I could go on with facts, numbers, and proof.  I didn't even touch on their treatment of Jews, animals, Christians, and historical artifacts.  Not wanting them here is not emotional.  It's purely rational.  It's too late to send out the ones we have, but we should be much more "discriminating" about who we let in.  We owe it to our children to try to leave behind a better world than we came into, and eliminating Islam and Sharia from that world would make it better for just about everyone. We can do our part in that by not paying their way.