Saturday, December 21, 2013

The Lie of Christmas -or- Don't do as the Pagans Do

People often ask me why I don't celebrate Christmas.  I usually say that it's a biblical thing, and leave it at that.  Nobody ever wants to talk about the bible, so it's usually a pretty safe bet they're going to drop it.  

In fact, I don't just not celebrate it, I despise it from the bottom of my soul.  It's an abomination, and a big, fat lie against the creator of the universe, and it disgusts me how few people can open their heart to the truth of it and see what is happening. 

It’s the first commandment, and supposed to be the easiest one to understand.  NO OTHER GODS BEFORE ME. 

Before you argue with me that Christmas is a "Christian" holiday, and the birthday of the Christ, please educate yourself .  Once you have a complete understanding, and if you still believe that Christmas is of the God of Heaven, we'll talk then.  A good place to start is right here:  December 25

I learned the truth about Christmas in 1991.  I was pregnant with my second child at that time, and discovered a book lying in my parents house that had no business being there, "National Sunday Law" by Jan Rasmussen.   I read that book cover to cover, then cried for two days.   I didn't stop celebrating Christmas though. 

It was nearly 10 more years before I stopped, even though I knew the truth.  I got that help through a book called "Fossilized Customs" by Lew White.  I believed I worshipped him in my heart, so it made it ok.  I told myself that it was my intentions that mattered, and what difference did it make what day we celebrated his birthday, as long as we did?  Of course, back then, I didn't understand the issue with the Hebrews and the golden calf.

I had heard the story many times, of course, being  a winner of awards for Sunday School attendance.  Moses, after leading his people through the desert and literally through the Red Sea, after guiding them through more desert, lead them to Sinai.  After seeing the power of Yahweh settle on Mt. Sinai, and hearing his voice bellow down at them to cause them such fear as to ask to never have to speak directly with him again, they built an idol unto Him. 

The word says they built it, "Unto Yahweh."  As a child and young adult, I used to ask myself, "What's the big deal?"  They did it unto Him, right?  Weren't their intentions good?  That's what should matter, right? 

Of course, I was wrong.  Yahweh specifically tells us in his word not to worship him as the pagans worship their gods, which involves golden idols.  The idol they built was of an Egyptian god Hathor, not just some random calf.  They built an idol of this calf, and gave it their worship, or gave it worth.  You can see that very altar by copying the map coordinates into Google maps  and zooming in as deep as you can: 28.5813277777778, 35.3961277777778  You can see some pictures and videos of the areas on this website:  Mt. Sinai

This was the problem the Hebrews had.  They wanted to worship Yahweh the same as they had been taught to worship Hathor.  It was not enough to see the power of their god with their own eyes, and hear it with their own ears.  The tradition of worshiping an idol was more real to them than the decrees of Yahweh.  

Yahweh tells us in the bible not to worship him as the pagans worship their gods. 

12 These are the decrees and laws you must be careful to follow in the land that the Lord, the God of your ancestors, has given you to possess—as long as you live in the land. Destroy completely all the places on the high mountains, on the hills and under every spreading tree, where the nations you are dispossessing worship their gods. Break down their altars, smash their sacred stones and burn their Asherah poles in the fire; cut down the idols of their gods and wipe out their names from those places.You must not worship the Lord your God in their way.  Deuteronomy 12

It's simple fact that Christmas has nothing to do with the Bible.  The reformation knew it.  Protestant's like Martin Luther and John Calvin knew it.  The American pilgrims knew it.  My atheist friends, my few Muslim acquaintances, and even a few Wiccans I am acquainted with all know this to be true.   The Christians I know stuff their fingers in their ears and scream "Deck the Halls" at the top of their lungs until December 26th.  They are so proud of their own great faith, they cannot imagine humbling themselves to see the truth.

It's not just commonly known fact, it's archeologically true. 

Christians give me a lot of excuses for why they celebrate Christmas, none of them based in biblical truth.  They tell me they are at peace with God about it, and no matter who tells them otherwise, they won't quit, even though the bible tells us that our brethren are meant to be correctors.  They tell me they have prayed about it and that they are at peace with it.  Yahweh has not told them otherwise, they say; yet He is trying, and they ignore him.  They tell me they know what it means in their heart, when the bible says the heart is deceitful above all things.  It's Christianity based out of the emotional need to follow tradition, and has nothing to do with the hard truth of the word.

I follow a  person on Facebook who typifies this sort of emotional Christianity.  The Facebook profile presents itself to be tellers of the truth, and the watchmen on the wall.  Yet, they are liars.  They spread the yeast of this indoctrination into everyone they speak with.  Nearly every day comments show up that are stiff-necked declarations that their own understanding is more important that the biblical truth.  They say that they have prayed, and are at peace with it.   Yahweh sends brother after brother, sister after sister, to try to talk to them and help them, and every day they close their ears, shut their eyes, and keep speaking the blasphemes of the Catholic church and it's residual effect on the body of Yahshua's bride.  It seems that every day a brother or sister tries to correct them, tries to provide the truth.  The people behind this profile attack them, then forbids them to talk about it in the open, shuns them from their thread.  I've seen the people behind the profile question the salvation of others, and deny the truth of the bible, then shun people from speaking openly about it.  Whenever someone refuses to let others speak it is, in my opinion, because they know they are wrong, and they refuse to hear the truth.    They lash out openly against the truth, and love the lie instead. 

I no longer believe the things this profile says.  I no longer read or participate in the posts. I have shaken their sand from my feet.   I watch them cling to the traditions of man in the face of Yahweh's beautiful truth and I pray each day that their pride is brought down, that they  be chastened from their stiff-necked pride.   I can't stand to see these truth telling believers be told to shut up as they lovingly try to share the truth and be denied by the prideful heart of another, again and again, like moths banging up against a light bulb.  I follow their page still because of the occasional news article or meme that comes through.  I do question everything they post, however, and look it up myself.  If they don't know this truth...who knows what lies they will unknowingly pass on.  Rule of thumb:  If you are praying for insight and truth into something, and brethren show up every, single day to share something with you, it might be the answer.

I can't trust them to tell the truth when they are so blatantly rejecting it.  If they can't see something that even non-believers can see, they are deliberately lying to themselves and everyone they think they are reaching out to, and I refuse to participate in such obvious untruths. 

Pride goeth before the fall.  Help me, Yashua, to never be too prideful to understand any small morsel of your truth.  Please keep my neck bent, and my heart soft toward you.  Amen.

Thursday, December 12, 2013

Lately, I've been thinking a lot about Jehovah's Witness followers, and being lukewarm.

A couple of women came to my house the other day.  They were very nice.  They told me that Jesus loves me, and that all of my loved ones would live here on Earth with me, and wasn't that wonderful?  I nodded my head and smiled a lot, accepted their tract, but not their request to come back. 

I don't want to talk to them, and their religion is completely unbiblical.  But here's the thing.  They are living what they believe.  They are living their life with conviction, declaring the truth of their belief.  What did you do last Friday?  Did you spend the day proselytizing something that matters to you, or did you spend the day as I did, on selfish pursuits?

In the book of Revelation, Yeshua calls his church of this age "lukewarm."  He says he will spew them out of his mouth.

Have you ever tried to drink lukewarm water?  It's pretty nasty, and can make you vomit.  Today's Christian is completely lukewarm.  Today's church teaches people to be lukewarm.  Never offend, never speak out.  Be tolerant toward other lifestyles. 

I think that's why I'm making this blog.  I don't want to be lukewarm.  I don't care about being wrong, or beautiful, smart or rich. Ok...maybe a little richer.  ;)  What I care about is being a good and faithful servant. 

I'm going to start acting like a Jehovah's Witness.  Don't worry...I'm not likely to knock on any doors.  I am going to start talking to people about the truth.  I already have started.  Sometimes, it costs me friends. Sometimes, it makes me look crazy.  Sometimes, it makes me realize how deceived and sad the world really is, and that even those I hold in high esteem are willing to believe a lie over the truth.  Me, I'll take the truth.  It is sweet in my mouth, though it is often bitter in my stomach.


Revelation 3:15-17

King James Version (KJV)
15 I know thy works, that thou art neither cold nor hot: I would thou wert cold or hot.
16 So then because thou art lukewarm, and neither cold nor hot, I will spue thee out of my mouth.
17 Because thou sayest, I am rich, and increased with goods, and have need of nothing; and knowest not that thou art wretched, and miserable, and poor, and blind, and naked: